Dr. Stefano Crippa
Founder and CEO
Director of Leading Pathology laboratory, London, UK
Consultant Cellular Pathologist
Dr.ssa Chiara Maria Biatta
Consultant Cellular Pathologist
International Board Certified in Dermatopathology UEMS/ICDP
Dr. Roberto Colombi
Consultant Cellular Pathologist
Dr. Camillo Di Bella
(on intramoenia with IRCCS San Gerardo dei Tintori, Monza)
Consultant Cellular Pathologist
Director, Cytopathology Service and Lead Pathologist for Breast Unit IRCCS San Gerardo dei Tintori
Dr. Adam Levene
Consultant Cellular Pathologist (UK)
Director of Leading Pathology laboratory, London, UK
Dr.ssa Claudia Menicanti
Consultant Dermatologist
International Board Certified in Dermatopathology UEMS/ICD
Dr. Adriano Piris
Expert Consultant in Dermatopathology, Brigham and Woman’s Hospital Dermatology, Boston, US
Medical Director, Mihm Cutaneous Pathology Consultative Service, Boston, US
Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School
Board certified in Anatomic Pathology and dermatopathology (US)
American Boards of Pathology and Dermatology (US)
Prof. Franco Rongioletti
Full Professor of Dermatology
Consultant Dermatologist and Cellular Pathologist
Dr. Roberto Tirabosco
Consultant Cellular Pathologist – Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, London, UK
Prof. Carlo Francesco Tomasini
Associate Professor of Dermatology
Consultant Dermatologist, Dermatopathologist and Oncologist
International Board Certified in Dermatopathology UEMS/ICDP
Certificate of competence in Lymphoma, ULM University and European School of Oncology
Dr.ssa Luisa Artusa
Advanced BioMedical Scientist
Master degree in cervical cytology
Dr.ssa Olga Hortencia Aguero Collins
Biologist and Cytologist