Dove siamo

Via M. Polo 31 – 20831 Seregno (MB)
+39 331 49 61 808
Orario segreteria:
dal lunedi al venerdi
9:00 – 13:00
14:30 – 18:30

  • Italiano
  • English

Dove siamo

Via M. Polo 31 – 20831 Seregno (MB)
+39 331 49 61 808
Orario segreteria:
dal lunedi al venerdi
9:00 – 13:00
14:30 – 18:30

Posts By :


2nd C.LO.DO congress – Non-melanocytic skin tumors

2nd C.LO.DO congress – Non-melanocytic skin tumors

The widespread prevalence of non-melanocytic skin tumors, their lesser (but not absent) aggressiveness, and their greater incidence in elderly patients, often polypathological, have created the erroneous belief both among "experts"…

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1024 732 CDC Lab
Workshop in dermoscopy and management of patients with skin tumors – XIII edition

Workshop in dermoscopy and management of patients with skin tumors – XIII edition

Dermoscopy represents a non-invasive diagnostic method for the diagnosis of melanoma and skin tumors in general, which in Italy (as in the rest of Europe) has become a true "standard…

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723 1017 CDC Lab
The 4 days of the Dermatological Schools in Lombardy – San Raffaele day

The 4 days of the Dermatological Schools in Lombardy – San Raffaele day

Dermatology today is characterized by a continuous evolution of clinical, pathophysiological and therapeutic knowledge which requires constant updating of healthcare professionals. The development of new diagnostic techniques and new drugs…

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1024 685 CDC Lab
The Winning Diagnostic Triad

The Winning Diagnostic Triad

Clinico-pathological correlation course, dermoscopy and confocal microscopy for dermatologist and pathologist Milan, 28-29 April 2023 Precision diagnostics is an essential requirement for all medicine because it implies the consequence of…

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1754 1240 CDC Lab

Via M. Polo 31 – 20831 Seregno (MB)
+39 331 49 61 808
Orario segreteria:
dal lunedi al venerdi
9:00 – 13:00
14:30 – 18:30

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